It's time to run errands or make a trip to the doctor..... what do I wear?
Shoes and jewelry can keep a look in touch with today's trends. I love shopping at a local store Charming Charlie's for jewelry that is affordable. The whole store is set up by each color of the rainbow. Sometimes the choices can be so overwhelming that it is best to go in with a plan! I just pierced my ears a year ago if you can believe I like the small touch it brings to the face. I mainly wear stud earrings. My hubby surprised me with these little diamond studs for my birthday so I have been wearing them for the most part. Diamonds go with just about everything and add a little glamour to your day. It also gives my husband pleasure to see me love the gifts he gives me.
I don't know if its the south or how I was raised but make-up is a must for me if I'm leaving the house. We joke that natural childbirth is labor without wearing make up!I do try to use more "natural" colors, mainly peaches. I was wearing my hair up for ease but I know my husband prefers it curled and partially down at least. He also loves my hair blond so this naturally straight brunette has lots of hair maintenance! To his credit I was a blonde when we met so it wasn't as if he was trying to change me. Four kids has changed this body enough!
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